The simulator was constructed around an equine forelimb skeleton with soft tissues rebuilt using building foam and rubber bands. We hypothesized that the simulator will enhance student ability and confidence in performing joint injections. The aim of this study was to design and validate an equine joint injection simulator. However, opportunities for veterinary students to practice this skill are often scarce in veterinary curricula. Performing joint injections is hence an essential skill for equine practitioners. Liana has a keen eye for good biomechanics and specialises in functional movement helping you to develop your mind-body connection so you can ride in balance and harmony with your horse.Joint injections are commonly used in equine practice for diagnosis and treatment of joint disorders. They progress far quicker by learning this way.įor experienced riders, once initial problems have been corrected, I recommend a session once a month to correct any habits/ problems that creep in and to keep riders on track.Īll simulator lessons are taught by Liana, BHSAI, School of Legerete Foundation Instructor and Fitness Instructor. In only a few sessions new riders can learn the rising trot and basic aids. If only all beginners would have a few sessions on a mechanical horse before they sat on a real one! It would save a lot of horses from having to endure new riders bumping on their backs and pulling in their mouths while they try to find their balance. It is amazing how crooked most of us are without realising! We now have real time playback of yourself riding from the back so you can correct your straightness as you ride. He has leg sensors so you can move him up and down through the paces, enabling you to check whether your leg aids are symmetrical and clear and also whether your legs are independent from your seat and hands! He has rein sensors to check how even and consistent your contact is. The simulator has walk, collected trot, medium trot, collected canter and medium canter. It saves a real horse from having to ride on a circle endlessly which is very hard work. It is far better than a lunge lesson as we can take away stirrups and reins with total confidence in the horse. It gives you chance to improve and perfect your riding. The simulator will go on in any pace or repeat any transition as many times as you like without getting tired or confused if the rider is making mistakes. with out having to concentrate on the horse as well. It is a time to focus on yourself, your posture, balance, straightness, rein contact, leg aids etc.

The simulator is beneficial for complete beginners to riders who have been riding a lifetime.